Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Watch What you Post on Your Facebook Site, Your Personal Brand Could Suffer

I recently read and article by Virgina Galt about how recruiters are using Facebook sites to recruit employees. She states a small but growing number of employers are turning to online social networking sites to introduce themselves to prospective employees, according to a survey by Aon Consulting Canada. The key emerging trends uncovered by the survey of 93 recruitment and human resources specialists is that 22 per cent of recruiters regard social networking sites as an important avenue for "getting their message out there broadly," says Shane Creamer, operations leader in Aon's recruitment strategy practice."Organizations are looking for new avenues ... such as LinkedIn and Facebook, and these sources are emerging as a new stealth tool to help recruiters cast a wider net in identifying new talent," Mr. Creamer adds.

"They're stealth tools because the person who is on LinkedIn or Facebook may not necessarily be auditioning for you ... but may be receptive to some type of approach."These prospective job candidates might not actually be looking for new work, but they're poised to jump if the right situation comes along. "Sometimes, they need a little nudge." With Canada's unemployment rate at its lowest in 30 years, organizations find they have to sell themselves as good places to work. "The old play was sort of post the job out, and pray they will come. Now it's really about being more direct, more aggressive, getting out there," Mr. Creamer says.

The survey found that advertising remains the top method of attracting talent, with 94 per cent of survey participants citing direct advertising as an important recruitment strategy."Job boards continue to be an important means of sourcing [cited by 75 per cent], along with employee referrals [75 per cent], campus recruiting [52 per cent] and outside search agencies [49 per cent]," Aon reports.

Prospective candidates want to know what makes an organization a good place to work - "everything from monetary rewards, to career advancement, to culture," Mr. Creamer says."And you have to deliver on what you're offering. If you sell them [employees] on one message, and deliver on an entirely different message ... they're not going to stay with your organization."

What this says is that the trend towards social networks as sources of information for both the buyer and the seller will continue into the future. It will be important for organizations to fully understand that the purchasing power is now more in the hands of the consumer than it was in the past, and for all you folks out there with information on your Facebook page, be careful what you post because it can effect your personal brand. Also remember if employers are looking for top talent anything you say and do can have an impact on your ability to get that dream job you want.

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